Sunday, November 22, 2009

I have the best husband!

And here's some proof...

I'm in grad school and I do a lot of studying. I often study at Kyle's office because it's quite and it allows Kyle to have free roam of the house. So, this past Sunday I ventured to his office in an attempt to study. Several hours into my study session I looked down and there was a mouse on the floor just staring at me! Naturally, I screamed. But it continued to just sit there. Finally I decided my only defense was to keep screaming in the hopes it would run away. Eventually it scampered off behind the refrigerator.

Now, for some people this may not seem like a big deal, but if you know me well you know I do not appreciate furry animals. Give me a snake or a bug and I'm fine, but furry critters just freak me out. So, I stood there motionless just waiting for it to make another appearance while I frantically called Kyle. He quickly came to my rescue. I'm pretty sure he made it from our house to his office in about 2 minutes. I left the office to continue my studies elsewhere and he took care of the mouse situation.

Now, fast forward to Wednesday evening, the night before my big comprehensive economics final. I built up the courage to return to his office to study. About 9:00 I look over my right shoulder and there's another mouse! I can't believe it I've been studying there for 11 months and I've never seen a mouse and now I have my 2nd spotting in less than a week! Anyway, this time I tried to compose myself. The mouse was eating the poison, so I figured it would soon cease to exist and I would just wait it out. Well, this must have been super mouse because it kept coming back for more. I think it probably had 5 or 6 servings of poison and he didn't seem to be phased by my presence. Kyle was at Bibly study, so I was in a conundrum. I decided texting him was my best option. After my 2nd text he responded and promptly left when Bible study was over to come rescue his wife. By this time I decided I needed to leave and study elsewhere. He went to the office, but of course there was no mouse to be found. So, at this point I'm in tears because I am nervous, stressed, and frantic about the test and the mouse that is still lurking in his office.

Kyle being the best husband ever volunteers to wake up at 5:00 am to accompany me to his office and sit there for 2 hours while I take my test! And he didn't complain once! Yes, I may be a little irrational, but hey I'm pregnant, stressed, and I really hate mice.

So, after all that drama I've concluded I have the best husband ever and I haven't even mentioned how he cooks, cleans, and does laundry...but that's for another post.


  1. good job kyle! we women need a safe place where we can be irrational and not judged :) I am glad kyle saved you from the mice!!

  2. Ewwwww!! You are much braver than I! I would have jumped up on his desk and remained in that exact spot until the mouse was removed! ha!

  3. yeah Kyle! SO glad that test is behind you!

  4. Yikes! Sounds like something I deal with in my office (which currently has 3 mouse sticky traps in it). I dred going in there every day.

  5. Way to go, Kyle!!! He's going to be a GREAT daddy!
