Tuesday, March 30, 2010

8 Week Stats

Now that he is over 10 weeks old I thought I better report on his 2 month doctor's appointment.

Sawyer is living up to his nickname in utero, Little Guy (LG). At his 8 week appointment he was given a clean bill of health and received 3 shots. I think mommy hurt him more than the shots as I clenched his hands in anticipation of his pain. He cried during the shots, but stopped as soon as I picked him up. He was such a trooper. Now for his stats:

Weight: 9 lb. 8 oz. 15th percentile
Height: 22 inches 15th percentile

He may be small, but he is well balanced :)

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Back to Regularly Scheduled Blogging

I will be playing a serious game of catch-up over the next few weeks, but until then a few pictures of Sawyer for your viewing pleasure.

Monday, March 15, 2010

We're Here

After 1,100 miles we made it to Ohio! We're all happy to be here. More info on the trip later.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Sawyer's Shower

Sawyer attended his first baby shower in February and it was in honor of him! The sweet ladies from church had planned a baby shower for January 15th, well lo and behold the little man decided he wanted to make his entrance a little earlier than planned, so the shower was postponed until February 20th.
Sawyer received several wonderful gifts including an adorable hand drawn picture of his name. I can't wait to hang it in his new nursery.
Danette & Carrie
Sarah & Monique
Kirsten, Sawyer, Margie, and me
Dana & Sheila

It was a wonderful shower. Everyone got to hold Sawyer, chat, and eat. Now that's my kind of party. They planned a great activity in which they used the letters of Sawyer's name to give me great mommy advice. It was very fun and we got some great words of wisdom.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


I may be MIA for a while. The move has arrived...along with work, packing, taking care of a baby, school work, taking tests, and saying good-bye to family and friends.

We'll be heading to Ohio on March 12th. Not sure what we're going to do once we get there...no house yet. I will update as soon as we get settled in.

Here are a few prayer requests (because we could use all the help we can get):
  • That I would remember my priorities (the Lord and my family comes before moving and school)
  • Energy to make it through this week (work, school, move)
  • That we would trust in the Lord to work out all the details
  • Finding a place to live would be a quick and easy process
  • Safe travel for the move
  • That we would find a church home and ministry opportunities quickly
We are so thankful for all the love and support family and friends have given us through this process. We will miss our KS & CO family, our Sterling friends, and our GBC friends. Thanks for all your support and encouragement!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Our Little Man

Look at our little man! Mommy wants him to look stylish, Daddy wants him to look like a farm boy (i.e. overalls with no shirt)...I think Mommy is winning :)

Friday, March 5, 2010

From My Vantage Point: Take 2

Sawyer in the ring sling all bundled up for a walk.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Bath Time

Sawyer loves his bath time and mommy loves snuggling her sweet little clean boy.

Monday, March 1, 2010

6 Week Highlights

  • Visited family in Kansas
  • Had your first sickness (just a little cold)
  • Slept in a bean bag
  • Slept a 6 hour stretch (multiple times)
  • Now growing hair on top of your head to match the hair on the back of your head (bye-bye old man look :)
  • Last week with mommy on maternity leave
  • Rolled over
  • Said your first word
  • Took your first step
Okay, well maybe he didn't do the last three things, but he is growing up so fast it seems like those milestones are just around the corner.
Sleeping on Papa
Sleeping on Tache
Meeting Great-Grandma Shank (yes, he does have two grandma S(c)ha(e)nk's)