The next day I took the car to get an estimate. It was almost time to pick Sawyer up from school and Kolter was getting hungry. I assumed it would be a 10 minute appointment…wrong! The technician immediately deemed the van undrivable (I don't think that's a word, but we're going with it). Something about the radiator being loose, though it wasn't broken. Anyway they quickly had to get me a rental vehicle. The only thing they could get quickly was a sedan…oh the kids and their 3 big car seats are like sardines in the backseat, but thankfully they all fit.
We adjusted to the smaller vehicle and were thankful for a rental while the van was being fixed. One night after leaving a family barbecue we decided to run a few errands. It was 8 pm (everyone with small children knows this may not have been the wisest decision) but we really needed a few things. As we sat at a red light a car pulled up behind us and rear ended us…in the rental car! He was looking down at his phone and did not stop soon enough. Thankfully we were stopped and he was slowing down so there wasn't very much damage. But since we were in a rental car it did complicate the situation a bit. Even though it was/is a major inconvenience we are so thankful no one was injured!
Kolter has been in 2 car accidents in the first 8 weeks of his life :) Hopefully all the excitement surrounding vehicles will come to a close very quickly!
2. Mema and Papa were here last week. They came to visit Uncle Cliff and Aunt Jess' new little one. The kids were super excited to see them again. Papa got to meet Kolter for the 1st time.
3. After their visit in Canton, Mema and Papa bravely took Sawyer and Nora home to the farm. The kids are having a blast at the farm! And Kolter is soaking up the "only child" attention he is receiving :) Sawyer and Nora were really excited to go to the farm, but the morning of their departure they started to understand the gravity of leaving Mom and Dad so we had lots of snuggle time, tickling and hugs.
4. During the winter we had a new family move into our neighborhood. I've been meaning to take over some cookies and introduce ourselves, but the thought of going out in the bitter cold was too much. Now that the weather is warming I decided it was time to meet them. Instead of baking them cookies I decided to put a little gift together. I used an empty glass jar and added some fabric strips, baker's twine and a tag to create the packaging. Then I added a dishtowel I made and small bottle of Miss Meyer's dish soap (from Target's dollar section). Now I'm waiting for the kids to return home so we can all go over there together.
5. And just to ensure the grandparents have a Kolter fix for their weekend. A picture of our littlest guy!