Thursday, February 7, 2013

1.5 {18 months}

 Recently I have been finishing up Nora's 1 year book and it's so crazy to see how much she has grown even since her 1st birthday.  Her personality is certainly developing and she is a full fledged toddler.

And here are the stats:
Height: 30 inches (20%)
Weight: 20 lbs. 12 oz. (10%)
Head circumference: 18 inches (25%)

Nora you surprise us every day! You are a typical girl...sweet one moment and sassy the next :)

You are a very good helper! When I ask you to get something or throw something away you are immediately on the job. But you're favorite service activity is picking up. You LOVE to pick-up toys! Sawyer is very thankful as he despises cleaning up, you do about 90% of the work for him.

You are a terrific eater! You will eat almost anything and you eat lots of it. I think your current favorite is probably pizza and bananas (not necessarily together).

Thankfully all 4 of your molars are in and I am happy to report you are now sleeping much better!

In typical girl style you love to get dressed. If clothes are left on the floor you always try to put them on.

Your favorite toy is your Minnie Mouse figurine.

You are cautious and observant. When entering a new situation or meeting new people you will sit back and be quite until you feel comfortable. But once you are comfortable you jump right in and those people become your best friends. You often will walk up to people and hold out your hand. This is your signal to hold hands so you can take them somewhere.

When you can't do something you get quite frustrated...especially with your brother.

You love blankets and snuggling.

Your typical schedule is wake at 7:30 am and eat breakfast immediately, play time, 11:30 am eat lunch, 1:00-4:00 nap, play time, 6:00 pm eat supper, 8:30 pm bed time.

Your "favorite" forms of defense (or acting out) are saying "no" very aggressively, hitting, and biting (thankfully you only do this to your brother).

You like animals and can make some animal sounds: bark like a dog, baaa like a lamb, and your favorite moo like a cow.

You can identify your eye, nose, mouth, ear, head, fingers, toes, and your favorite is the belly button.

When we ask you to cover your mouth when you cough or blow your nose you do.  Truth be told you are better at blowing your nose than your older brother :)

And of course your vocabulary expands daily.  You will try to repeat pretty much any word we ask and you usually can say some form of the word. I don't have a full list of your words but here are some we hear often: hi, hello, bye-bye, uh-oh, football, back pack, ball, baby, peek-a-boo, nana, apple, please, diaper, puzzle, thank you, mama, dada, poo-poo, papa, yes, no, book, juice, night-night. Your first sentence was "I want that." I wrote this list about a week before publishing it and it made me curious to see what other words she could say. I've been asking her to repeat lots of things this week and I'm happy to report she can intelligibly repeat about 75% of the words I ask. She is also starting to point and identify objects verbally all over the house. I think her vocabulary is about to explode.

You are still very much a mama's girl. You adore daddy, but if you know mama is in the room you must be in my arms.

You still refuse to drink milk.  You currently drink water with a drop or two of juice. You will also drink straight water begrudgingly.

You have had a bad cold for over a week so at your 18 month well child your doctor checked you over thoroughly and couldn't find anything wrong (no fever, no ear infection, etc) but he was concerned (you had your 1st nose bleed while he was examining you :) so he diagnosed you with a sinus infection and you have your 1st ever prescription for antibiotics. You are a healthy little thing and we are so thankful for that!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness!! I am so glad I have you in my reading list!! I can't believe how big she is. So many teeth! Oh Kristen, she is absolutely gorgeous!!!
