Tuesday, August 31, 2010

It started with the Guacamole...

The other night we had the linebackers over for some food. I served chips and guacamole for an appetizer and we set it on the floor for the players to enjoy. During our time with the football players Sawyer decided it was his goal in life to reach the guacamole on the floor. With all his determination he finally figured out how to lift and move his left arm. He is now officially crawling! After about 1 month of 1 arm crawling and bear crawling he has finally figured it out. And after crawling to the guacamole and me pulling him back no less than 50 times I got smart enough to move the guacamole. Without that enticement he did not crawl for the next few days, but now he is a pro. Here's the proof (sorry for the poor quality, this is my 1st video).

Sawyer Crawling from Kristen Schenk on Vimeo.


  1. Ha! Maren was going after a shoe when she learned to crawl. How appropriate! You're life will never be the same...in a completely awesome way!

  2. It looked like he was trying to go straight from crawling to jumping! Watch out... here he comes!
