Tuesday, June 8, 2010

The Thumb

One minute you're playing with a sweet smiling boy and the next minute
He looks like this.
We're trying to discourage the thumb, but despite our efforts he keeps sneaking it in. He will take the pacifier and other chew toys for a while but then he throws them aside, inserts the fist, and eventually settles on sucking his thumb.
Any mom's out there have advice for discouraging thumb sucking?

This little face is just so cute sometimes it's hard to tell him no. We're working on it :)


  1. Awww...thumbsucking isn't so bad. Sometimes they are just too stubborn and you decide to have a go at it again before they hit jr. high. :-)

  2. All our kids did pacifiers so I have no advice about thumbs (except, "whatever works"), but that photo of him is SO great!
