Sunday, October 11, 2009

Things I do to purposely annoy Kristen for fun...

  1. Sing to Kristen a really catchy song before she goes to bed. Reason: she gets it stuck in her head and can't go to sleep.
  2. Lay on her pillow. Reason: she's little paranoid about her pillow.
  3. Jump into bed before her so she has to turn out the lights. Then I steal her pillow. Reason: It's really funny because she really hates other people touching her pillow.
  4. Jump out of the car and run to the bathroom when Kristen has clearly stated how bad she has to go. Reason: obvious reasons.
  5. Crack my thumb joints. Reason: it makes her nauseous.
  6. When she asks me to do something from another room I respond with gibberish so she can't understand me and has to come into the same room. Reason: my own amusement and sometimes I get out of work.
Posted by the most amazing wife's husband,

My radiant wife and I in the DR, May 2007.

1 comment:

  1. LOL, I can totally see him doing all of those things. Hopefully Jr. doesn't inherit this. :-)
