Thursday, January 26, 2012

Playtime brought to you by Sawyer

I think I've mentioned this before, but Sawyer is the best big brother.  Anytime Nora is crying and I'm preoccupied I can ask him to go entertain her and he responds immediately.  This day he wanted to show her how this toy worked.  Sidenote: I promise my children do not always wear pj's, they just always happen to be in pj's when I pull out the camera...

Hi Nora, look at this toy

you wind it up

then watch it walk

now I want to hold your  hand

close up so in later years I can prove they once adored each other :)

1 comment:

  1. This is SO sweet! And there's nothing wrong with pajamas. Many times on the days I'm at home Brax goes all day with his jammies on and Mackie gets out of hers right before cee-cee (Her nickname for Sesame Street). :)
    - Amy
