Thursday, August 25, 2011

3 weeks

On Monday Nora was weighed and measured. Her 2 1/2 week stats were:

7 lbs. 7 0z. (25th percentile)
20 1/4 inches. (50th percentile)

She is consistently sleeping a 6 hour stretch and then a 4 hour stretch at nights. In her 3 weeks there has only been 1 night that she did not sleep well and that kept us up for an extra 2 hours, but we can't complain. At night she is sleeping on her back in the pack'n'play bassinet, but during the day she takes most of her naps on her tummy. She sleeps so soundly on her stomach.

She seems to have very good neck control. When working on tummy time she can lift her head up and change sides. One night she lifted her head up and pushed herself up so she was resting on her elbows/forearms. My MIL was able to slip her hand under her tummy without touching her because she was holding herself that point we determined we would probably have another early mover.

Nora is starting to be more alert and her awake periods are lengthening. She enjoys being held and talked too. She is not so fond of her brother pulling on her arms or hitting heads with her :)

Nora's 2nd week in review:

Chilling in her car seat

All ready for her 1st football scrimmage...she slept through the whole thing

Not too happy about being dressed up, but she was looking too cute for church on Sunday

"brotherly love" in our attempt to get a sibling picture

Enjoying more grandparent time

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like she is doing awesome! we are SOOOO hoping our little girl sleeps good like that. Her big sister Pearl sure didn't, but the older 2 kids did, so we know how nice it is :)
