Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Busy Bees

I, like most people, feel like we lead a pretty busy life. But the other day I sat down to write out the kids schedule (I do this almost every fall as I enter my busy season for work and the kids get shuffled between sitters) and I just had to laugh because our schedule is pretty comical!

7:00  am               Wake up call       
·         Dress immediately
·         Comb and fix Nora’s hair
·         Check calendar for special school events (snack day, color of dress, etc.)
7:10 am                Eat breakfast
·         Sawyer usually wants scrambled eggs and milk
·         Nora & Kolter like a variety of things…fruit, yogurt, cereal (no milk), pancakes, toast, sometimes eggs
·         Evy nurses or has milk and a fruit
Make Sawyer & Nora’s lunch 
7:20 am                Shoes On
7:30 am                Leave for school
7:45 am                School drop-off
8:40 am                Leave for preschool (MWF)
9:00 am                Preschool drop-off @ BFC
9:30 am                Morning nap for Evy
11:30 am              Preschool pickup 
12:00 pm              Lunch
12:30 pm              Nap/Rest Time
·         Evy naps, change diaper, pacifier, blanket, bunny with sound machine on
·         Kolter naps, take him potty before nap, he can take 1 toy or book to bed, turn on sound machine (he may not nap, but he has to stay in his room)
·         Sawyer rest time for 2 hours. He can play with toys, look at books, build Lego’s, color, etc. Usually toward the end of rest time I let him watch a show or play an electronic game. Weekends only
·         Nora rest time for 2 hours. She can play with toys quietly, looks at books, color, etc. Usually toward the end of rest time I let her watch a show. Weekends only.
2:40 pm                Leave to pick-up Sawyer & Nora, may have to wake Kolter & Evy
3:00 pm                Pick-up Sawyer and Nora 
3:15 pm                Snack
5:00 pm                Homework
5:30 pm                Supper
7:30 pm                Start bedtime routine
·         brush teeth, put on pj’s, go potty, read Bible, pray, turn on sound machine, hugs and kisses
8:00 pm                Lights out
8:30 pm                Feed Evy (nurse, milk and food)
9:00 pm                Bedtime for Evy

That is just the kids daily schedule and doesn't include any extra curriculars let alone Kyle's schedule or my own. Now I know why it's so difficult to find time to workout, study my Bible, work my side job, get a haircut, etc! Also, have I mentioned we accomplish all of this on very little sleep thanks to a teething babe.

I know everyone feels busy, but I've realized we have entered into a new phase that includes 3 stages of childhood...infant, preschooler and grade school. We've often resided in 2 stages, but the 3 stage lifestyle is making the ability to fit all the puzzle pieces together a bit more difficult. I'd say we're up for the challenge and look forward to sleeping again in approximately 17 years ;)

I'm posting this for memories sake, so I can look back in 20 years and remember the crazy, wonderful, exhausting childhood days!

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