Last Monday was Sawyer's 1st day of kindergarten!
When he awoke he was very excited to get to school. He was dressed and had his backpack on in a flash ;) We had a special pancakes and eggs breakfast then we hit the road for school.
Daddy met us there to help send our boy off to school for the 1st time! After a few pictures he walked right in. I called after him, "Have fun!" His response as he bounded up the steps, "I will!"
the sibling picture didn't work out so well |
And have fun he did! When I picked him up he told me all about his new teacher (Mrs. DeLap), tag time, all of the friends he knew from preschool and snack time. His favorite part was snack time ;) He also made me a card (he never did this during his preschool years). He must have known how bittersweet the day was for me ;)
On the card he drew my hand with a bee sting (I recently got my 1st bee sting) and he wrote his name and he wrote "mom." This is significant because Sawyer doesn't typically like writing and I've never seen him spell anything besides his own name. So, he is already making progress and it was only the 1st day. That card just demonstrates my love for his school and their willingness to let them blossom and grow at their own pace! I can't wait to see what the rest of the year has in store!
And as per our tradition we went out for a special treat after school. Donuts for the win!