Monday, August 31, 2015

1st Day of Kindergarten

Last Monday was Sawyer's 1st day of kindergarten!

When he awoke he was very excited to get to school. He was dressed and had his backpack on in a flash ;) We had a special pancakes and eggs breakfast then we hit the road for school.

Daddy met us there to help send our boy off to school for the 1st time! After a few pictures he walked right in. I called after him, "Have fun!" His response as he bounded up the steps, "I will!"

the sibling picture didn't work out so well

And have fun he did! When I picked him up he told me all about his new teacher (Mrs. DeLap), tag time, all of the friends he knew from preschool and snack time. His favorite part was snack time ;) He also made me a card (he never did this during his preschool years). He must have known how bittersweet the day was for me ;)


On the card he drew my hand with a bee sting (I recently got my 1st bee sting) and he wrote his name and he wrote "mom." This is significant because Sawyer doesn't typically like writing and I've never seen him spell anything besides his own name. So, he is already making progress and it was only the 1st day. That card just demonstrates my love for his school and their willingness to let them blossom and grow at their own pace! I can't wait to see what the rest of the year has in store!

And as per our tradition we went out for a special treat after school. Donuts for the win!

Friday, August 28, 2015

Friday Facts

Football, football, football…practice, meetings, practice, meetings. During August from 6 am to 11 pm Kyle's been doing football. We've also joined in on many practices and dinners. We're all exhausted, but we are keeping our head above water. This is the final week and we couldn't be more excited to get into the regular routine of football season/school.

this boy has been loving football…the more balls the better

One day Mommy was so tired we all threw caution to the wind and had ice cream for lunch. The kids looked at me like I was crazy…but they loved it ;)

yelling for yet another ball
Bee sting…I made it 32 years without suffering a bee sting. Until last week…we were at a park, something was in my hair, next thing I know I have a sting on my knuckle. My finger swelled up immediately, but other than that I was fine ;)

this pic doesn't do it justice as my whole finger continued to swell
Books…I love to read, but to be honest in the past few years I haven't made a lot of time for reading. I'm trying to change that. I recently read All the Light We Cannot See, by Anthony Doerr. It was quite good (several people had recommended it to me). I won't go into a full review, but it was well worth the read. I'm also reading One Thousand Gifts, by Ann Voskamp. This one is a little slower, but I have thoroughly enjoyed it. It's certainly changed my perspective/attitude several times during football camp craziness when I tend to throw myself lots of pity parties.

Nora Preschool…Nora is so ready for school. She cries nearly every time we drop off Sawyer because she so desperately wants to go. She already LOVES her teachers (which she expresses to them every time she sees them in the car line). She may be a bit dramatic, but she really is excited! She goes to orientation today and her 1st day will be next Tuesday.

God provides…when we were deciding on the best situation for Sawyer's schooling we sought the Lord's guidance. There were many factors, but in the end we chose to keep him at the private school where he attended preschool for his Pre-K/Kindergarten year. Kyle and I both felt at peace about the decision, but we didn't know where the money would come from. However, we also felt it was the Lord's will, so we just put our trust in His plan. As of August, when his tuition bill was due, I had received enough contract work (which is rare in the summer) and Etsy orders to pay the full bill! I am writing this as a testimony (even just for myself) of God's faithfulness when we follow his direction. I know I need that reminder…often.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Monday, August 24, 2015

Fan Makeover

This summer I decided to tackle a few home improvement projects that were fairly simple, but have needed to be done for a long time.

First up was our ceiling fan situation. All of the bedrooms have an outdated ceiling fan. I forgot to take "before" pictures of the full fans I assume they were all from the 80's…Nora's was white with brass accents, the boys was black and UFO looking with gold accents and the master bedroom had one with oak wood and wicker accents. They were certainly an eyesore.

Daddy and his helpers (in their pajamas) removed the blades.

These are the original (dirty) blades.

I gave them a good scrub, lightly sanded them and then spray painted the blades. We chose to leave the motor hanging. I simply cleaned it, taped paper to the ceiling (to protect it from overspray) and then spray painted it.

Here are the final products:

Nora's…bye-bye brass, hello all white with a new light
The boys…bye-bye black, hello brushed nickel with white blades and a new light (the previous one was broken)

Master bedroom…bye-bye fake oak, hello oil-rubbed bronze

This was a very simple project that didn't take much time or funds. I think it's a huge improvement!

Friday, August 21, 2015

iPhone Unload {July 2015}

Amidst all the traveling in July we found some time for summer fun at home! Check it out:

We made our annual visit to Tuscora Park for an evening of fun!

Mommy and her kiddos, S & N waiting for a ride, Nora excited for the rides, flying their fighter jets, mommy and daughter, Nora's pouty face after she wasn't tall enough for a ride, the carousel is always a hit, Kolter running for Mommy, Kolter watching and wondering why he can't ride, daddy and his boys,  Kolter's 1st popcorn experience, brother/sister love, Nora and Kolter enjoying her sno-cone, the boys loved the park, Nora loved the swings, my typical view these days

We had several groups of friends over to run through the sprinkler, Nora coordinated all of her lady bug attire, we all participated in Parkside's VBS, I was Nora and Abby's crew leader, we made fun bubble blowers, daddy was in charge of games and one of them involved wearing his clothes…Nora in an obstacle course race wearing daddy's hat and pants, Nora and Mommy, Nora playing more games

We also had the annual Family Fun Day at church! Nora with her friend Marlena, Nora on the big slip'n'slide, Kolter's favorite thing of the day was eating a massive amount of watermelon, riding the train, Sawyer spent every second going up and down the slip'n'slide, he even waved at this mama for a picture ;)