Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Black & White





Friday, February 10, 2017

iPhone Unload {January 2017}

Pictures (top to bottom, L to R): Nora style, Sawyer's 4D coloring, trying out my new spiralizer #Whole30, snow day fun, Cold? Try layering 6 tops and 6 bottoms. According to Nora that will make you nice and toasty #outsidetheboxthinker, snow day #thebigthree #lotsofsnoweating, lots of tp and 1 naked boy, Evy smiling before her shots at her 4 month appointment, cutie patootie Evy, biggest brother and littlest sister, lo and behold look what I stumbled upon in our church bookstore! Our friends book!

Pictures (top to bottom, L to R): nerd, I see a trend...boy Nike's from a young age!, in true 3rd child fashion...pouting, not because he has blood coming out of both nostrils, but because I won't let him play with a bloody nose #3rdchild #meanmom; Evy sleeping in Mom's arms; sisters!

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Nursery Corner

This is our 4th version of a nursery ;) And each time the actual "nursery" part of the room gets smaller. A few things have remained constant in each iteration of the nursery: the crib and the bedding. 

In all honesty this "nursery" wasn't completed until Evy was 4 months old (4th child problems)

When Evy arrived and we determined she was a girl we knew she would be sharing a room with Nora. So here's a peek at the girl's room!

Someday we hope to get them matching twin beds...that's why Nora's bed is currently just mattresses on the floor ;)

We went with the same color scheme as Nora's room in Ohio: gray, yellow, light blue and coral.

The nursery corner consists of the crib, a few wall hangings and a mobile that Nora and I created.

Their dresser and gallery wall...thankfully their names both start with "E"
The canvas painting is a Nora original that she painted for Evy it features a rainbow, sun, clouds and in the bottom right corner a picture of her holding the baby.

The hanging wooden mobile painted to coordinate with the room colors.

This room serves many functions: sleeping, stuffed animal playing, hair doing (check out Nora's hair/mirror station), jewelry making, doll playing, etc.

Below are a few shots from the summer (before the baby arrived) when we were creating our works of art for the room.

Monday, February 6, 2017

Sensational Student

We are so proud of our sweet girl! She received the Sensational Citizen award at school for the 2nd quarter!

She received it for demonstrating outstanding leadership qualities in and out of the classroom. And for doing her best to be ready, respectful and responsible.

She received her award a the weekly roundup and to celebrate she got to go on a field trip (in a bus...her favorite part) to a local pizza place for lunch.

We are so proud of our little lady who loves school, listens well to the teachers and wants to be a friend with everyone!

Friday, February 3, 2017

Voila Violin

One of the fun specials Sawyer gets to participate in is violin lessons! One day a week his whole class (22 students) has a violin lesson. What a patient saint that teacher must be! I would be a nervous wreck if I had to supervise (let alone teach) 22 5 year olds how to hold and play a violin!

But I'm so glad she does it, because the result is beyond adorable!

Here are a few videos of our budding violinist!

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Evy Extra

Just because she is adorable!