Tuesday, March 30, 2010

8 Week Stats

Now that he is over 10 weeks old I thought I better report on his 2 month doctor's appointment.

Sawyer is living up to his nickname in utero, Little Guy (LG). At his 8 week appointment he was given a clean bill of health and received 3 shots. I think mommy hurt him more than the shots as I clenched his hands in anticipation of his pain. He cried during the shots, but stopped as soon as I picked him up. He was such a trooper. Now for his stats:

Weight: 9 lb. 8 oz. 15th percentile
Height: 22 inches 15th percentile

He may be small, but he is well balanced :)

1 comment:

  1. He looks just perfect, if you ask me!

    In a way, it's better to start small. My kids started out around the 50th percentile but immediately showed their true colors of being skinny like their dad, and then the docs freak out about it. Better to start that way in the first place and go on from there :)

    Hope you guys are settling in well after your move
