Tuesday, August 7, 2012

12 Months

 My baby is 1 year old!

Height: 28 inches (15-20%)
Weight: 17 lbs 12 oz. (3%)

You are great at mimicing words.  You say things like juice, night night, ball, or sing la, la when your brother sings.  The words you know how to say and the meaning are mama, dada, ball, and bye.

Unfortunately this has not been one of your best months.  In fact I dare say it has been your most challenging month to date.  I'm  not sure if it's teething, too much travel, or just a phase but your sleep has regressed.  While we were in KS you woke up 2 times per night.  You didn't even do that when you were a newborn!  You would go back to sleep after nursing but that was the only thing that worked. You would cry and be stubborn for over an hour until we gave in.  You are currently waking every night at 3:30 am.  We've tried letting you cry it out but after 2 hours and everyone in the house being up in the middle of the night we gave up.  You are one stubborn little child.

We've also really struggled with weaning you.  You are a momma's girl! We have tried all different kinds of liquids and cups and you refuse them all.  The only thing we can get you to drink is juice cocktail out of an aluminum can (think a Pepsi can).  It's pretty appalling, but when mommy leaves for 4 days you do what you have to do.

You currently nurse 1 or 2 times a day.

You make the cutest fishy face, click your tongue, and give real kisses.

Your favorite toys are cars.  You love to say zoom as you wheel them across the floor.

You also enjoy stuffed animals (ugh).  You give them big hugs then throw them on the ground.

You have 9 teeth (4 top, 4 bottom, and 1 bottom molar)

You love one-on-one attention and if someone in the store talks to you they are guaranteed a huge toothy grin.

You are super ticklish and love to giggle.

You and Sawyer have started playing with each other.  Especially in the car you "talk" to each other and make each other laugh.

You are now running.  You do it often when we chase after you.

You started wearing "real" tennis (not soft soled).  You wear a size 4 shoe.

In clothing you wear 9 month or 12 months.

You wear a size 3 diaper.

Your eating has improved.  You eat any and all table food we have given you.  You still eat some purees, but you love "grown up" food the best.

You love to play peek-a-bo by putting something over your head like a bucket or hat.

You love to climb everything including slides, chairs, and strollers.  You can even climb onto the couch, which is one of your favorite spots to play even though you have taken a few tumbles.

Reeses Pieces, Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough, Marshmallow Cream, and Bacon Maple
We celebrated Nora's birthday a week early at her party so her actual birthday was pretty low key.  It also happened to be the day we started potty training Sawyer so we were stuck inside most of the day.  However, I did slip away to buy some fun cupcakes for the occasion.

 For her birthday dinner I made her pizza.  She gobbled up a whole slice.  Then we sang Happy Birthday and she devoured her cupcake, every last morsel.

Then Nora and Daddy went on their first Daddy/Daughter date.  They went to the park then out for ice cream.  We ended the night by opening her presents that came in the mail.

1 comment:

  1. So sweet! I LOVE her running "outfit" and shoes. Every girl needs a running outfit and Nikes.

    As for sleep regression - welcome to our world! Our little man has been a terrible sleeper at night for several months now. Got tubes in the ears and it really didn't phase him. We do the same thing - make him wail it out, but eventually all he wants is to be nursed. Weaning sure is going to be fun in a few months.

    Hang in there, mama! Hopefully all of this running will wear her out and she'll get back on track at night. (for your sake and hers!) :)

