Tuesday, January 14, 2014


We've had several days of celebrating our favorite 4 year old boy! The celebrations began with a party at preschool. On their birthday each child gets to bring a treat. I persuaded Sawyer that since it was so snowy out that making snowmen cookies would be fun. He thought it was a great idea! Honestly I just wanted a simple treat that the kids could help make. 

I saw these snowmen treats on Our Best Bites. We collected the supplies and I tried my best to keep the kids out of the candy until the snowmen were complete :)

All the supplies

Excited to make snowmen
First we dipped the Nutter Butter's in the white chocolate. And we had to have our stethoscope on just in case of an emergency.
Then we added the candy. Mini chocolate chips for the eyes and mouth, an orange tic-tac for the nose and mini M&M's for the buttons. After the chocolate dries you add the pretzel arms.

Truth be told after about 10 snowmen the kids were doing less helping and more stuffing their faces with candy so I sent them away so I could finish. However, when they were helping they were able to do all of the steps independently so I would call it a success.

the finished product
Sawyer was very excited to take his treats to school and share with his friends. When I got there I was allowed to read one of Sawyer's favorite stories during circle time (Giraffes Can't Dance). Sawyer was very protective of Nora. He introduced her to the class and insisted she sit by him and hold his hand :) Then it was time for snack.

The kids loved the snowmen and Sawyer loved his special birthday time at school!

More birthday posts to come including his birthday party and an update after his well child check.


  1. Those are so cute! I meant to write this before....but your Christmas and ours looked similar with kids gifts! (Jake and Doc!) :) Mackie is just like Nora and carries around her Doc bag everywhere she goes. She got that one last year for Christmas and STILL plays with it!

  2. OK - Sawyer holding Nora's hand during her time in his class makes me want to cry AND have another baby! LOL! What sweet kids.
