Sunday, March 4, 2012

7 months

According to the very accurate scale at the gym and mommy's tape measure you are:
15 lbs.
26 inches

Girl, you are on the MOVE!
I tried to take monthly pictures with you sitting up...but it didn't work very well because you just have to be going somewhere.  See the evidence below.

We thought Sawyer was a fearless child (in terms of mobility), but you Miss Nora have proved us wrong!  You pull up on anything and everything.  You try to climb up the slide.  The other day at a baby shower I put you on the floor to play while I ate.  A few minutes later a friend tapped me on the shoulder to ask if I was comfortable with you standing UNASSISTED.  Um yes why?  Well she said you pulled yourself up using the chair then you turned around and let go.  You didn't go anywhere but after about 15 seconds you nonchalantly grabbed the chair again.

So far on the food front you are taking it slowly.  During the last month you had your first bites of food which included avocado, squash, and sweet potato.  I can honestly say you were not a fan of any of them.  You tolerated the sweet potato the best.  I'm afraid to give you sweet fruits because then you may never eat your vegetables...but you come by that naturally.

You officially have 2 teeth on the bottom and they are sharp.
Showing off her teethers

You have a quirky habit that I have grown to dislike.  When you are nursing you want your hand in my mouth.  It's strange I don't know why, but you are obsessive about it.  You will claw and fight your way until your fingers make it in my mouth.  I have resorted to nursing with 1 hand over my mouth to protect my lips and mouth from scratches.  But you get very restless and distracted unless your hand is in my mouth.

You are still a very content and happy baby taking a morning nap, afternoon nap, and sleeping through the night.  You always get a morning wake up call thanks to your brother joining you in the crib.

A couple of times we were out and about during your nap time and you fell asleep in my arms.  Oh how I love it when you just relax into me and that sweet, sweet face is too cute for words.  I found myself not wanting to put you down so I could be productive, but I simply savored the's all going by to quickly.

You are still a spitter-upper.  Some days you do great then the next day you spit up 5 times after each feeding.  It's very hit-or-miss, but since you smile through it all we don't worry about it.

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