Updated: Today Sawyer went to his annual vision exam for estropia. I'm happy to report the doctor saw no signs of his eyes crossing and no prescription (2 years ago he was +2 and last year he was a +1). The optometrist was pleased with his progress and said he probably will continue to improve. Such different news than we received he was first diagnosed. They said it would continue to get worse until he was 5-7 years old. Praise the Lord for a healthy little boy with healthy dark brown eyes!
Recently Sawyer afforded me the rare opportunity to take his picture and I took full advantage.
We are in the thick of football camp! When people ask how we are doing I say "surviving." The kids are doing pretty well. Except for missing daddy and the usual discipline issues they are having fun. We try to plan activities every morning to keep us busy. Naps are a must in the afternoon. The best part of the day is dinner with Daddy. Then we typically go to night football practice. We are taking 1 day at a time. Mommy and Daddy are both exhausted, but thankful for God's grace :) Hopefully I'm not coming across as negative. As always we are having good moments and bad moments. It just makes me even more thankful for happy times and even more prayerful in the hard moments because I'm even more aware that I can't do this whole parenting thing by my own strength.

We experienced a tragic event the other night. Sawyer was playing with Woody and Jessie. He tossed Woody and it landed just right and broke his head at the neck. We are hoping when daddy gets a chance he can glue/tape him back together. I think I was more distraught than Sawyer. Both kids play with Woody multiple times a day. Any toy that provides hours of entertainment for my children is pretty priceless...hopefully he can be fixed :)
Sawyer starts preschool soon! I can't believe my baby is old enough for school. I recently went to his school orientation. The school moved locations during the summer so it was nice to take a tour of the school and meet his teacher. I'm excited to see how Sawyer grows socially in a preschool environment.
The kids have been playing really well together. They play pretend (making dinner, being superheroes, playing 3 Little Pigs, etc). They play hide and seek. They have even started playing board games by themselves. Sawyer will come up with a plan and Nora will always oblige. When they are playing well I usually find something to do around the house. When I leave the room the play inevitably turns into destruction...see the evidence below.
They love to take all the toys out of the toy box or pour out all the puzzles. Usually I put a stop to the destruction when I realize what is going on. However, sometimes they are having so much fun I just let them. Then we have a clean up session :) Thankful they are at the age they can play together and be best friends!